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Take your family on a journey back in time

Stand in the footsteps of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry alumni in the cloisters of Durham Cathedral. The ancient cloisters doubled as a film location for Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Against a snowy backdrop, the cloisters became the snow-covered quadrangle where Harry magically releases Hedwig the owl. Harry and friends also returned the following year for the Chamber of Secrets sequel.
In the Vale of Durham, take a tram ride back in time to experience the amazing sights, sounds, smells and delicious tastes of the past at Beamish – The Living Museum of the North.
Objects aren’t locked away in glass cases, this really is hands-on history. Explore the 350-acre site and meet friendly costumed folk who’ll share their stories with you. Ride on a tram, catch a lesson in the village school, go underground at a real coal mine, and sample the tasty treats in Herron’s bakery, Davy’s Fried Fish & Chips and the infamous sweetshop.
Tour suggestions…
Full day:
Durham Cathedral
Full day:
Beamish Museum
- The Living Museum of the North
Stay longer…
Radisson BLU
Useful information…
Durham Cathedral DH1 3EH
Beamish Museum DH9 0RG