Holy Week at Durham Cathedral
Holy Week is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, the holiest week of the Christian year as we celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year Holy Week begins on 13 April, Palm Sunday and ends 20 April, Easter Sunday.
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week and the last day of Lent. It celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem days before his death, as crowds waved palm branches.
Holy Communion, 8am
Evening Prayer in Galilee Chapel, 3.30pm
Lent Talk with The Very Revd Dr Philip Plyming, Dean of Durham, 5pm - see more here
Sung Eucharist with Procession of Palms and Reading of Passion
Beginning outside of Palace Green, the clergy process into the Cathedral, echoing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Members of the congregation are given palm crosses, representing Christ’s victory over death on the cross. It also reminds us that, just days after his triumphant kingly arrival when people spread palm leaves on the floor for him to walk on, Jesus would be crucified.
Sunday 13 April, 10.30am See more
St John Passion
Durham Cathedral Choir joins forces with Avison Ensemble to perform Bach's stunning St John Passion. This unmissable concert will be conducted by Daniel Cook, Master of the Choristers and Organist at Durham Cathedral.
Sunday 13 April, 6pm More
Holy Monday
Morning Prayer, 8.30am
Chrism Eucharist, 11am
Evening Prayer, 5.30pm
Stations of the Cross
Join us as we journey through the cathedral taking pause to pray at the 'Stations of the Cross' as we remember Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion. Monday 14 April, 7.30pm See more
Holy Tuesday
Morning Prayer, 8.30am
Holy Communion, 12.30pm
Evening Prayer, 5.30pm
Compline with Address, 7.30pm
Holy Wednesday
Morning Prayer, 8.30am - This service will take place in the Chapel of the Holy Cross.
Holy Communion, 12.30pm - This service will take place at St Oswald's Church, Durham.
Evening Prayer, 5.30pm - This service will take place at St Oswald's Church, Durham.
Compline, 7.30pm - This service will take place at St Oswald's Church, Durham.
Maundy Thursday
Morning Prayer, 8.30am - This service will take place at St Oswald's Church, Durham.
Royal Maundy Service, 11am - By invitation only.
Holy Communion, 12.30pm - This service will take place at St Oswald's Church, Durham.
Evening Prayer, 5.30pm - This service will take place at Durham Cathedral.
See all Maundy Thursday and Royal Maundy here
Maundy Thursday: Stripping of the Altar and the Watch
During this service, we commemorate Jesus instituting Eucharist during the Last Supper and remember his washing of his disciples' feet. We process down to the Galilee Chapel to reflect on his betrayal and arrest in Durham’s ancient 'Judas Cup Ceremony', before the altar is stripped and the cathedral is sent into darkness. This is followed by a Watch at the Altar of Repose, where we pray with Jesus in silence until 10.00pm.
This service will be preached by The Reverend Dr Kate Bruce, an RAF chaplain based at Brize Norton. Kate was previously a chaplain and Deputy Warden at St John's College Durham. Thursday 17 April, 7.30pm. This service will take place in Durham Cathedral. See more
Good Friday
Good Friday is the most solemn day of the Christian calendar, when we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus.
Morning Prayer, 8.30am
Evening Prayer at the Pieta, 3.15pm
Good Friday: The Three Hours
At the Three Hours Service, we commemorate the three hours that Christ suffered on the cross. We hear again the story of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus’ arrest and trial, and Peter’s denial of Jesus, before we reach Jesus’ crucifixion and death. During this time, music is interspersed between contemplative reflections, prayers and silences. This service will be preached by The Reverend Dr Kate Bruce. Friday 18 April, 12pm See more
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday is a continuation of the sorrow of Good Friday, as we remember the disciples' hopelessness in the wake of Jesus' death on the cross. We also look forward to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day.
Morning Prayer, 8.30am
Easter Vigil Service of Readings, 5.30pm
Easter Day
On Easter Day, we celebrate because Jesus died for our sins and rose again.
Easter Day Services
The Dawn Eucharist with Baptism and Confirmation, 5am. See more here.
Holy Communion, 8am
Festal Eucharist, 10am
Matins, 11.30am
Evensong, 3.30pm